Boris Mathiszik
Nice balance of fruit and earth in this really good Rioja. Reminds me of what Riojas used to taste like way back in the day.
Nice balance of fruit and earth in this really good Rioja. Reminds me of what Riojas used to taste like way back in the day.
9.1Sipping Fine Wine
100% tempranillo, aged in oak for 2 years, note; all the Tempranillo grapes that were destined for 890, 904 and all the other wines went to this wine, Wow! Deep Ruby I with aromas of berry fruits, spice and herb notes. On the palate flavors of cherry and blackberry with notes of oak and black pepper notes. Fine soft tannins, great balance with acidity, long finish ending with fruit, vanilla, oak and slight earthy spice character. Will age short term!
100% tempranillo, aged in oak for 2 years, note; all the Tempranillo grapes that were destined for 890, 904 and all the other wines went to this wine, Wow! Deep Ruby I with aromas of berry fruits, spice and herb notes. On the palate flavors of cherry and blackberry with notes of oak and black pepper notes. Fine soft tannins, great balance with acidity, long finish ending with fruit, vanilla, oak and slight earthy spice character. Will age short term!
9.2Sergio L Figueiredo
GU - Fev/2024 Álcool 13,5%
GU - Fev/2024 Álcool 13,5%
9.3Ignacio D. Cenicacelaya
Dark berry notes with a light peppery spice and mild tannins.
Dark berry notes with a light peppery spice and mild tannins.
9.7Ian Hamel
2024 spring. Great value in traditionally crafted Rioja
2024 spring. Great value in traditionally crafted Rioja
9.1Ian Hamel
2024/2. A special Alberdi, with the grapes for all the other wines being combined into a single cuvée this year. An astonishing value in classic Rioja
2024/2. A special Alberdi, with the grapes for all the other wines being combined into a single cuvée this year. An astonishing value in classic Rioja
9.1Dawn Allain
This grew on me. Seems soft at first, mellow and then i get fruity full flavor.
This grew on me. Seems soft at first, mellow and then i get fruity full flavor.
️ ✔️Rioja, Spain ✔️ 템프라니요 100% ✔️ 8월에 후기 남겼던 ‘비냐 아르단자’와 같은 와이너리 ✔️ 처음부터 잘 열려있고, 바닐라나 시나몬같은 스파이스와 베리향이 자연스럽게 섞여서 팡팡 느껴졌음 ✔️ 오픈하고 30분쯤 지나면 스파이시하던 페퍼향이 부드러운 페퍼향으로 변하고, 질감도 맑아져서 엄청 잘 넘어감 ✔️ 시간이 지날수록 남는 타닌이 적어지는데, 살짝 남은 타닌이 딱 기분 좋은 질감으로 느껴짐 ✔️ 첫 베리향은 레드체리•진한 산딸기에 가깝다가 30분쯤 지나면 라즈베리•크랜베리처럼 좀 더 가벼워지는데요, 이 향이 꽤 오래가서 끝까지 과실향을 잘 느낄 수 있었음 ✔️ 저희는 라구 라자냐와 발사믹 소스를 곁들인 살라미 샐러드에 페어링했는데, 이렇게 무겁지 않은 요리와 조합이 너무 좋았음 토마토 요리•애피타이저•파스타•볶음밥•빠에야•치킨같은 요리와 잘 어울릴 것 같음
️ ✔️Rioja, Spain ✔️ 템프라니요 100% ✔️ 8월에 후기 남겼던 ‘비냐 아르단자’와 같은 와이너리 ✔️ 처음부터 잘 열려있고, 바닐라나 시나몬같은 스파이스와 베리향이 자연스럽게 섞여서 팡팡 느껴졌음 ✔️ 오픈하고 30분쯤 지나면 스파이시하던 페퍼향이 부드러운 페퍼향으로 변하고, 질감도 맑아져서 엄청 잘 넘어감 ✔️ 시간이 지날수록 남는 타닌이 적어지는데, 살짝 남은 타닌이 딱 기분 좋은 질감으로 느껴짐 ✔️ 첫 베리향은 레드체리•진한 산딸기에 가깝다가 30분쯤 지나면 라즈베리•크랜베리처럼 좀 더 가벼워지는데요, 이 향이 꽤 오래가서 끝까지 과실향을 잘 느낄 수 있었음 ✔️ 저희는 라구 라자냐와 발사믹 소스를 곁들인 살라미 샐러드에 페어링했는데, 이렇게 무겁지 않은 요리와 조합이 너무 좋았음 토마토 요리•애피타이저•파스타•볶음밥•빠에야•치킨같은 요리와 잘 어울릴 것 같음
9.3Donald Williams
Simply perfect with short ribs (which were also perfect).
Simply perfect with short ribs (which were also perfect).
9.5Bill Mowry
Medium to light bodied with tannins that fade as it opens up. A bit hot, again until it starts to open up. Maraschino cherries, dark berries, and boysenberries. Still young and could be laid down for many more years to come.
Medium to light bodied with tannins that fade as it opens up. A bit hot, again until it starts to open up. Maraschino cherries, dark berries, and boysenberries. Still young and could be laid down for many more years to come.